Our Scholarships

Holy Cross Students

Each year, hundreds of children in the Archdiocese of New York seek to attend a high-quality Catholic school. For many families, tuition expenses are an insurmountable burden. Donors to Inner-City Scholarship Fund help offset the cost of tuition at Catholic schools, enabling hardworking students to pursue a high-quality education in an academically competitive, values-oriented setting.

Inner-City Scholarship Fund offers a variety of tuition assistance programs to low-income students who attend Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York.

If you would like to learn more about supporting any of these programs or becoming a sponsor, please contact Jill Lloyd at lloyd@innercitynyc.org

Sponsorship Program

Be A Student’s Friend

Our flagship program, Be A Student’s Friend matches sponsors with students currently enrolled in Catholic elementary or high schools who are recommended by their principals.  Qualifying students correspond with their sponsors twice a year and must maintain adequate grades each academic year.

General Assistance Programs

Elementary School (K-8)

Inner-City Scholarship Fund has partnered with both the Children’s Scholarship Fund and the Archdiocese of New York to provide general tuition assistance to families transferring from a public school or currently attending an elementary school in the Archdiocese of New York.  These awards are based on individual family needs and the cost of tuition.

High Schools (9-12)

Catholic elementary school students who receive assistance through our K-8 programs are eligible to apply for our assistance to attend a Catholic High School in the Archdiocese of New York.  These awards are based on individual family need and the cost of tuition. For information on our High Schools please click here.

Emergency Tuition Assistance

Our Emergency Tuition Assistance program provides one-time grants to families experiencing unforeseen financial hardships. This program enables students to remain in their Catholic school – often the most stable environment they know – during turbulent times.

For More Information

Scholarship Seekers

To inquire about these programs, please fill out this form or call 646-794-3318